p2p fightsharing!

The strategies of media resistance have evolved with the changes in the situation, and this precious collection of video materials succeeds in feeling the pulse of antagonist communication with exceptional up-to-dateness. Designed to be published at

Flow, ambient soundscape generator.

The acoustic environment enjoyed in front of the screen is often filled with buzzing, clicking or isolated in mp3 files delivered via headphones or from the speakers, covering sounds and frequencies obtained from natural elements that

Oeil Complex, eyeballs reactive.

Symbol of tempting prey for unscrupulous era media communicators the eyeball and eyelids that hatch are a jumble of symbols and meanings, recognizable at various levels from any viewer. The eye and its processed multiple digital

Gogglearchy, the power of indexing.

Albeit still in the academic stage of verification, the study conducted by Matthew S. Hindman, Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis and Judy A. Johnson, disturbing social implications for freedom of expression and diversity of opinion in the political sphere.


Formula è il primo sospirato prodotto non esclusivamente sonoro di un artista di rango come Ryoji Ikeda, e testimonia i suoi diversi pregi artistici (visionarietà, impeccabile dettaglio, coerenza nella ricerca) e alcuni suoi difetti umani (riottosità

Behind the Blip

Autonomedia, ISBN 1-57027-139-9
‘Behind the Blip’ addresses the need of a critical and pragmatic analysis of that complex and fleeting entity called ‘software’. The constant presence of interpretative interfaces for any kind of communications between people