Atlas of Cyberspace

Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0201745755 See the invisible, this is one of the tasks of the cartographers of the network, from the first insights of the vastness and complexity of the communication infrastructure worldwide have sought models

Spring_alpha, Social Software System.

Inaugurated on April 8, will run until June 6, the testing of spring_alpha, a project that involves the development of software in open source code during a series of workshops aiming at extending the practice of

Survey of Common Sense, polls biased.

Increasingly being used by online publishing platforms, which in more recent versions include them as default, polls and surveys are a constant invitation to express themselves and also a surrogate, often even more arbitrary, surveys a

Silophone, musical instrument architecture.

The different awareness of the sounds of the architecture, especially those that costitiscono examples of industrial architecture, has grown just at the stage, still in progress, post-industrial, during which it is possible to rethink the use


The complex transformation project data of the duo behind Nybble-Engine after several years of evolution has reached a maturity that reflects the stratification of levels in dynamic interconnection between them. The complex interactions that involve the

New Philosophy for New Media

The MIT Press, ISBN 026208321
How much is the flow of information incorporeal and detached from our relation with organic reality? How much is digital image, with its multidimensional possibility of distorsion and simulation, detached from

Profiling Machines

The MIT Press, ISBN 0262050730
Finding the data structure which describes a person through his public actions is the holy grail not only of marketing professionals, but also of police states and, more generally, any paranoid