Neural 75, Artificial Corporeality


Issue #75 2024 ISSN: 2037-108X

The new Neural issue is hot from the press.

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  • Boris Eldagsen
  • Martinus Suijkerbuijk
  • Maya Man
  • Molly Soda


  • The door that won’t open


  • Transmediale 2024
  • REBOOT: Pioneering Digital Art


  • Delay Orkestra, mental disorder (not so much) failure.
  • adiVerse, a metaverse for underpaid workers.
  • umwandler, the sound of energy.
  • FM-TOTEM, mystic FM synthesis.
  • Pier Pressure, climate change around the corner.
  • radioPHØNIX, fragments for live transmission.
  • !e Conspiracy Capitaliser, formalising the business of belief.
  • Fighting Windmills, stru&ling with yourself.
  • !e Case for a Small Language Model, kinetic transparency.
  • Cyclops, playing with psychological operations.
  • SEMILLA AI, divination to instigate randomness.
  • I’m Feeling Lucky, fully processed landscapes.
  • !e Common Now, synchronising the synapses.
  • Ombres Blanches, the fog of electromagnetic waves.
  • Propaganda Station, an inverted panopticon.


  • Environmental Linguistics, language as environmental communication.


  • a cura di Francesco Spampinato / Giovanotti Mondani Meccanici / Nero
  • ed. by Joseph DeLappe & Laura Leuzzi / INCITE: Digital Art & Activism / peacock & the worm
  • Marko Ciciliani / Why Frets? 2083 / Mille Plateaux
  • ed. by Nicolas Malevé & Ioanna Zouli / A Cat, A Dog, A Microwave… Cultural Practices and Politics of Image Datasets / The Photographers’ Gallery
  • Silvio Lorusso / What Design Can’t Do – Essays on Design and Disillusion / Set Margins
  • Bernd Herzogenrath / ©ovid’s metamorphoses / meakusma
  • Tiziano Bonini, Emiliano Trere / Algorithms of Resistance, The Everyday Fight Against Platform Power / The MIT Press
  • Joanna Zylinska / !e Perception Machine: Our Photographic Future between the Eye and AI / The MIT Press
  • Matteo Pasquinelli / The Eye of the Master: A Social History of Artificial Intelligence / Verso
  • Le Un / Méandre(s) – An experiment in collective spontaneous creating / eau
  • edited by Arie Altena & Florian Weigl / {class} – On Consequences in Algorithmic Classification / V2_ Publishing
  • Sam Dolbear, Esther Leslie / Dissonant Waves – Ernst Schoen and Experimental Sound in the 20th century / Goldsmiths Press
  • ed. by Mariana Pérez Bobadilla, Maitreyi Maheshwari, Zoénie Liwen Deng, Nora O Murchú / Control, Refusal, Trust and Care: A toolkit for making change in the cultural field / Arts Formation / Waag / Fact / Transmediale
  • Francesco Spampinato / Art vs. TV- A Brief History of Contemporary Artists’ Responses to Television / Bloomsbury Academic
  • Edited by Nóra Ó Murchú, Janez Fakin Janša / A Short Incomplete History of Technologies That Scale / Aksioma/Transmediale

music reviews

  • Phill Niblock : Looking for Daniel : Unsounds
  • Alva Noto : HYBR:ID II : Noton
  • Amby Downs : Ngunmal : Room40
  • Ben Carey : Metastability : Hospital Hill
  • Bird & Renoult : Gold Lines : Gruenrekorder
  • Christof Migone : Wet Water (Let​’​s Dance) : Futura Resistenza
  • code : Phonographies, Vol. 01​-​02​-​03 : Code
  • Damāvand : As long as you come to my garden : Die Schachtel
  • Egil Kalman : Forest of Tines (Egil Kalman plays the Buchla 200) : iDEAL Recordings
  • Emptyset : ash : Subtext
  • Ginevra Bompiani, Caterina Barbieri, Tomoko Sauvage : Il Calore Animale : Dischi Fantom
  • Giuseppe Ielasi : effacing colours, barely dancing : 901 Editions
  • Kenn Hartwig : Gameboys & Pedals : Anunaki Tabla
  • Mesmer : Terrain Vague : arbitrary
  • Polisonum : 778FS : Ricerca Sonora
  • Psychophysicist : Audio Computing : ARMComm Rizosfera Europe
  • Robert Lippok : What is Dance? : Singuhr Editions
  • Robotic Folk : Volume One : LOM
  • RYBN : The Great Offshore : Les Intérêts Spécifiques
  • Various Artists : Lisboa Soa, Sounds Within Sounds : Crónica