G Douglas Barrett – Experimenting the Human: Art, Music, and the Contemporary Posthuman


The University of Chicago Press, ISBN 978-0226823409, English, 220 pages, 2023, USA

As the brain seems to be slowly accepted as a target site of information transmission, the cultural influence of “intelligent” machines and the pressure to “augment” our senses is lowering our threshold of acceptance for how much machines can be integrated into our biological capabilities. This posthuman condition has been envisioned and experimented with for some time, in large part in music, thanks to the sharing of waves emitted by whatever sound source and our bodies. Barrett analyses this relationship through six case studies: Alvin Lucier’s neurofeedback and Pamela Z’s BodySynth performances, Nam June Paik’s musical proto-robot k-456, Pauline Oliveros’ Echoes from the Moon radio astronomy transmissions, Laetitia Sonami’s sensor-equipped Lady Gloves, and Yasunao Tone’s AI Deviation, which reinterprets his work. The selection also seeks to critically examine aspects of gender and race (three of them were post-war emigrants, for example), while technically exploring the broader implications of these augmented sound works in redefining our human condition. This is a well-written and informed text with extensive historical research that significantly expands and contextualises the various case studies discussed with reference to the others, enhancing the consistency of both the arguments and the subject matter.