(edited by) Günther Friesinger, Evelyn Van Hulzen – Juliana Herrero, REM 1:1: A printed piece of time capsules and more with invited voices and voice over


edition mono/monochrom, ISBN-13: 978-3902796578, English, German, 96 pages, 2017, Austrian

This is a monograph about the work of the Argentinian-Austrian artist Juliana Herrero. She uses sound as a revelatory medium, assembling installations which build a ’space’ which is both architectural and intimate. This space can be appropriately defined as a “sound space”, as it often has a carefully organised physical structure and a specific sound component meant to instigate the audience, leaving room for “their imagination”, as the artist affirms. This attitude is reflected in Herrero’s work, which is aimed to resonate conceptually rather than only physically. Particularly, the recurring spoken parts usually provide a destabilising experience, even if they are composed with a subtle tone, gently pervading, catching the spectator’s imagination with their contrasting content. This book catalogues all Herrero’s artworks, grouped in five sections: Ruptures, Sound Floating Landscapes, Transpositions, Extima, Inversions, and they are also contextualised through nine different short essays. The poetic fragility of these artworks is well documented and analysed, showing how sound can skilfully permeate spaces, finding its way into our intimate perceptive mechanisms. In these sound spaces, sound acquires also a specific plasticity, vividly provoking the audience while enabling shifted levels of communication.