Re-branding, corporate image reversed.

The 'corporate image' and 'branding' are delicate land already in the space of bodies, but become much more elusive in the immaterial spaces of cyberspace. the caustic Curt Cloninger of lab404 drew the direct consequences in his work rebranding , where he tries to also stressed the inhumanity of the companies / large organizations that operate on a network, rewriting the pay-off (ie the corporate slogan) of the respective logos . To suffer the makeup pejorative are: CNN, Rhizome, Amazon, Google, PlayDamage,, eBay, The Onion, entropy8zuper! and Teletubbies, with sometimes hilarious that expose the language that you want to 'universal' of this type of communications, reversing the mechanisms of persuasion, systematically evangelized by marketing techniques.