ISEA 2004.

It takes place in Scandinavia, and the precision between Stockholm, Helsinki and Tallinn as well as by sea, ISEA (International Symposium on Electronic Art) in 2004 , the biennial international conference that brings together artists, critics and theorists from around the world under the aegis of 'Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts. This twelfth edition begins on 14 August and was coordinated by Tapio Makela with a large team of experts and consultants of the fervent Baltic area. Conference and Exhibition will be held perloppiù on the ship (!) That will take guests between the three cities where there will be other initiatives to coincide with their arrival. The program, dense for the eight-day event, includes, among dozens of meetings, 'The List, the mailing list phenomena' with Melinda Rackham – Empyre, Kathy Rae Huffman – Faces, Charlotte Frost – The Rhizome & Further and David – Fibreculture ; 'Tactical social fictions', with Angie Bonino – Hacking Net: Virtual Organization, Daniel Michelis / – Hypertagging, hyperdemic graffiti, Rosanne van Klaveren: Memoires of a testee – recorded recollections at Braintec and Italians Lionello Borean + Chiara Grandesso / Usine de boutons – Plug'n'Pray , 'Translocal networks' with Travellab, Manuel Bonik, Michael Mikina – split_connect, Obok / Ronald Jones, Laurie Mäkelä – Babel Launch and Rodriguez Foundation Association – Tester , 'DIY Wearable Challenge workshop' with Katherine Moriwaki and Jonah Brucker-Cohen , a panel discussion on ' Critical Art Ensemble : Science art and their legal limitations', 'Mapping space, the social potential of locative media' with Marc Tuters, Ed Mac Gillavry, Ben Russell, the 0100101110101101 . ORG and Giles Lane, 'Working across boundaries: curating and preserving new media art' with Beryl Graham, Sarah Cook, Steve Dietz and Caitlin Jones, a presentation of futuredj by Mathias Fuchs and Sylvia Eckermann, 'Uncovering Histories of Electronic Writing' with Noah Wardrip-Fruin – What was Hypertext?, Nick Montfort – Continuous Paper , Michael Mateas, Jill Walker, and a keynote by Matthew Fuller (interviewed on Neural 21 ), as well as concerts, among others, Felix Kubin, Akufen and Deadbeat .