Hacker Journal, a biweekly current issue of information security.

. Hacktivism

03:06:02 Hacker Journal, a biweekly current issue of information security.
Thirty-two color pages without advertising, with lots of news and some brief insights, that is how Hacker Journal , the magazine for a few days on sale, sold only 2 euro and declared with an exceptional distribution of 150,000 copies. It is the first attempt in Italy to spread even on paper news and technical information related to the security sector more technical and passionate, mirror sites that have offered their assistance, as Bismark, Gnomixland and Ondaquadra. The magazine claims to have sold 100,000 copies of the first issue and it's gone from monthly to fortnightly, in addition to being soon joined by a small portal that, among other initiatives, would like to offer an immediate 'service' especially useful for beginners, namely 'Gymnasium', where a server to test different techniques of attack. At the moment, however, the simplicity of the same techniques illustrated (distant from the technical details of the American '2600 ', for example) and the tone of the articles put him towards a public computer much more generic and curious towards these subjects compared to that of the employees work, while some criticisms have been leveled by different companies that act on the same front, but at the same time are more politically engaged, who complain of a lack of contextualization of the various arguments, ignoring the many practices hacktivism widespread in our country. The publishing house that sponsored the operation is the publishing services, which already publishes, among other publications, The Day, The Gazette, True Chronicle and News 2000.