Digital Surface, the surface of the artwork.

On 27 and 28 June was held at the Tate Gallery in London Digital Surface , an international symposium that explores the redefinition of 'surface' as a dimension of the work of art, and the various applications that many artists have researched, practically and conceptually, to dismembering and abstracting the point of contact, ie, the interface in the broad sense, of traditional jobs. The use of the carbon dioxide laser, the halftone obtained through the techniques of digital printing, the different speakers (Char Davies, Langlands & Bell, Kevin Atherton, Paul Coldwell, Leah Hilliard, Charlotte Hodes, Jukka Lehtinen, Maria Mencia, Anu Vertanen, Selagh Cluett, Andrew Folan, Anthony Hobbs, Mika Karhu, Penntti Määttänen, Barbara Rauch, Oliver Whelan, Jan Kenneth Wechman), addressing the issue from different perspectives, the use of organic materials in the facilities to the perception of reality in digital images very high resolution.