edited by Mariana Pérez Bobadilla, Maitreyi Maheshwari, Zoénie Liwen Deng, Nora O Murchú – Control, Refusal, Trust and Care: A toolkit for making change in the cultural field


Arts Formation / Waag / Fact / Transmediale, English, 320 pages, 2023, The Netherlands
Art practice consists not only of creation, exhibition, criticism and documentation. In artistic uses of media, there has always been a need to share knowledge for tactical purposes. The methods and strategies are embedded in it, and with the pervasiveness of the digital, understanding art and media is a necessity. This transfer of knowledge in the form of the production process of artworks is well expressed in this book, produced in collaboration with three historical institutions (Waag, FACT and Transmediale). It consists of five chapters (Refusal, Control, Methods, Trust, Care), each containing case studies that are contextualised and discussed in different ways. For example, Transmediale discusses their brave decision to withdraw from Facebook and Instagram on ethical grounds after building a solid participant base there; Nicola Triscott illustrates Trust Me I am an Artist, a framework for ‘artists, cultural institutions and audiences involved in [….] new art forms using biotechnology’; Charlotte Webb explains her feminist chatbot F’xa, which helps people think about harmful biases; and Lukas Engelhardt documents his ‘Cloudsquatting’ practice to help average users set up their own in-house servers and networks. With a limited print run, it’s a real toolkit, a format that will hopefully become more popular in the near future.