Maurizio Bianchi – Computers S​.​P​.​A.


LP + CDR – Verlag System

The fact that a legend of experimental music might resist to epochal changes, after repeated years of absence from the scene, is not everyone’s cup of tea and Maurizio Bianchi deserves to be acknowledged for his intransigent conceptual relationship with the practices of musical research he was carrying, although intermittently, over more than forty-five years, since he was working at the end of seventies as musical critic for the magazines Mucchio Selvaggio, Rockerilla and Buscadero, focusing on industrial and electronics productions. Among the fans of a certain age, who does not remember his first tendentious releases on tape? When he was using the moniker Sacher-Pelz, or again between 1980 and 1982, at the beginning of the first industrial scene, with the pseudonym M.B., focusing on themes on trend at that time, such as the noise, the isolationism and the “power electronics”. Released now by the Spanish label Verlag System, Computers S.P.A. has a long history of reeditions, to begin with its first publicatio in 1980 on tape, the result of two improvisations on a monophonic synth Korg MS-20. The album, freely inspired by the computer music that began to rule at every latitude from the second half of the seventies, is valid still today, although its harsh radicality and the limited technologies of that time. Bianchi describes these tracks as “a dramatic abandon of the sounds generated without the main help of emotion and spontaneity”. Actually, the ideas matter as the – individual or collective – turmoils, and at the beginning of the electronics as mainstream, just following some certain scenes was significant. In addition to the vinyl, there is also a CDr in attachment, that includes some “dismantled” versions of the tracks of Siegmar Fricke, alias Pharmakustik, and other bonus material here released for the first time, a real treat for collectors and admirers of this incredible artist and character.


Maurizio Bianchi – Computers S​.​P​.​A.