(edited by) Valérie Perrin – Documents / Collecting Digital Art – Volume 2 – 2007-2018


Presses du Reel, ISBN-13: 978-2378960193, French, English, 304 pages, 2018, France

The French ‘Espace multimédia Gantner’ is one of the unsung heroic institutions caring about digital art. Their collection of both digital artworks and documentation, is one of the most dedicated realised by an institution, overcoming the usual conservative problems with different flexible strategies. The collection started in 2004, selecting 35 works by 35 different artists, all provided on a CD-ROM as a medium, selected by the art historian Bertrand Gauguet, included in a previous volume. This second volume updates the previous documentation, revolving around the last ten years, with the description and data of 23 works, which are the newer acquisitions. The correlated context is discussed in two essays by Domenico Quaranta and Cécile Dazord, and every artwork file is properly described and illustrated, beyond being provided with concise technical specifications, including its exhibition requirements. It forms a rare example of this kind, being both informative and allowing to read between the lines the possible selection rationale. It is a precious book, with a consistent graphic design implementing the discreet nature of pixels in the covers and an optical dithering/glitchy effect on the side of pages. It represents not only an acquisition catalogue, but the expression of a commitment and strategy, remarkably sustainable over the years.