Edited by Herbert Kapfer and Joerg Franzbecker – Eran Schaerf – Frequency-Modulated Scenario

Eran Schaerf - Frequency-Modulated Scenario

Archive Books, ISBN-13: 978-3943620344, English, 288 pages, 2015, Germany

This is the catalogue of the exhibition “Eran Schaerf. FM-Scenario: Reality Race,” a composite documentation of the artist’s work. Schaerf produced artists’ news radio plays since 1997, and, since 2002, a fictitious radio station (The Listener’s Voice), namely moderated by a computer program with controversial programming about behavior and privacy. The “newscast” becomes the form the artist embraces, and on the printed pages there are texts, plenty of performance, pictures (usually staged in front of cameras, rather than audiences) visually reinforcing the narrative of the different stories, plus a whole iconography related to the various topics. This iconography serves to reinforce the performance – showing somehow “staged” gestures, documenting our different perceptions of reality. Like a Tumblr blog crossing space and time with a visual/conceptual unity, the visual consistency in the book is held together with the endless audio flow (which can’t be rendered on paper), as the flow that describes “reality” in radio. The ambiguity and all the media manifestations that the artist creates belong to the news and their announcements, with an invisible grammar and tone. The audio, available on the web platform fm-scenario.net resonates in different ways, powerfully evoking the broadcasting environment and the invisible software behind it, symbolizing the usually hidden rules of production and stating the two unavoidable sides of communication, the invisible broadcaster (with his or her multiple possible identities) and the listener.


  • Eran Schaerf. FM-Scenario: Realitätswettlauf