Sven Kacirek – The Kenya Sessions

Sven Kacirek

CD – Pingipung
Sven Kacirek, a young musician who graduated in percussion and marimba at the conservatory of Hamburg, is an author inspired by the many facets of African music. In his Kenya Sessions there’s a clear difference between the live recordings and the studio “arrangements” made in Germany. Here sound threads are skilfully imbued with polyrhythms and percussive patterns, not without elliptical virtuosity and faint background electronic passages. This is a project that immediately sounds very pleasant, enriched by the exotic influences of rural sounds, a spiritual nourishment for an approach away from the false glitter of world music or post-jazz. The sequences are unravelled – in fact – mostly in the form of a narrative-in-progress, a source of visions in motion, rather than structured properly in song form, effectively rendering the moods and musical tastes of that region. The ancestral language of the village is now re-encoded in a more modernist manner, but the characteristics of essential and immediate communication are kept unchanged.