– Randomicon

CD – Flatmate
Under the Spanish Flatmate Music imprint, three years after their last release, (Lino Monaco and Nicola Buono) are back. This veteran duo in Italian electronic experimentation formed in the nineties in the techno-centric Neapolitan area and gradually shifted towards more dense and refined sounds. A certain minimalist aesthetic hides between the grooves, but from the title of this record it is already possible to detect new instincts, suffused with chaosmotic suggestions. “Countless possible combinations” collide in a totally random fashion, giving rise to new forms and knowledge. “Randomicon”, the title track of the project, is an example of the complexity of their strategies, articulated and hybrid, combining dark, robotic atmospheres with a metal taste and a metropolitan and industrial foundation. It should be emphasized that most of the recordings were made with the help of homemade modular synths, supported by Quartz Composer, a software bundled by Apple in the installation disks of its operating system. Even the 500 different covers of the CDs are the result of specific customizations, scrambled and randomized, thanks to a program written by Federico Crivellaro.