Larry King hits the hay, the fields as a medium.

Larry King hits the hay

The reinterpretation of television images, making them exit the video and placing them in different contexts, it implies a transformation of meaning that breaking the habit-forming mechanism of the small screen, makes reconsider in a static visual features. Larry King hits the hay dell'astista Bulgarian origin Daniel Bozhkov takes aim at one of the institutions of American pop culture, Larry King, who carries on his show on CNN (the most watched network) interviewing celebrities. The journalist is an icon recognized throughout the world, and the artist has reproduced the characteristic first floor plowing an area the size 90 to 76 meters in a field in Maine. Quoting the famous 'crop circles', ie the dark geometric patterns that can be appreciated only from above, and that would be centuries before the flight mechanic, this 'alien' becomes an anomaly that makes a mockery of the character and, above , which represents the system, estranging it from its cage protected broadcasting and huge public recognition. Transfer an image repeated thousands of times in the homes of millions of people, climbing up the size of proportion, it means regain the same collective memory that the character population, duplicating without permission, and making it for what it is in our minds, a series of recognizable traits, whose person tends to be forgotten as time passes since his last appearance in our retinas.