Essays on Radio, Can I have two minutes of your time?

Essays on Radio

dvd video – Crónica
The fundamental role of the radio (the first source of ‘noise’ and the priincipal instrument for the conscience of sound, beyond the mere listening to music) is the theme revolving around this new compilation published by the portuguese label Crónica. Other than collecting the music in a CD, they made a rich DVD with the audio/video remixes of the pieces. Here, the video language and its digital dialects which influenced our experience materialize in short films, brief flashes of animated sequences, whose length was fixed by the makers to two minutes (to celebrate the two years of this label). They are shards of a reality often accelerated in a ‘summa’, blurred and fragmented, where normality becomes abstraction and the signs liquify in their animation. It comes from a school that takes the private screen and its visual characteristics and reverberates them in different aesthetic factors, including the mixing of informations, with the pixel space considered as, indeed, a space, where the graphic organization of the informations themselves can’t get away from the more than twenty years of graphical interfaces.