The Lovers + Crashrun, apply the paradigm of the virus.

The Lovers

Computer viruses incorporate numerous innovative features of electronic communication. First of all, the rapid spread of information in a way, in fact, 'viral', ie the use of language as a code that spreads replicating, and an aesthetic that often destabilizes the user, the interface mixing until it becomes unrecognizable and unusable. To use the code as a literary device is The Lovers , an installation of Sneha Solanki based on two computers networked together. One of the two is infected by a virus encrypted and not visible to particular variations of operation. It also contaminates his 'partner' through the interface of a classic romantic poetry. The poignant verses are displayed alternately on the two screens (as if it were a box), but the words, as you go along, mix and change becoming more and more incomprehensible. The one that is displayed is therefore a contamination report that fuses the process of infection from the point of view of the code with the power of love, equally capable of polluting the meaning of words. This fascinating process of deterioration is also simulated on the site of the installation. A 'spoil the interface, causes her to panic the user, albeit in a more' popular 'than the visual daring attacks by Jodi, is instead Run Crash Kiran Subbaiah. It is a harmless program that messes up the interface in an unexpected way, inextricably linking the graphical results to the fear that arises with the suspicion of an infection of your system. Another way to play with our experienced computer to cause learned responses to stimuli misleading.