Taxi_onomy, with psycho-geography database and taxis.


Perception of the area is at the center of two parallel cultural practices: psychogeography, with its roots situationist but strongly re-engineered from the technologies of lease, and the mapping, namely the establishment of areas in undefined territory which is the overlapping of materiality and immateriality. Taxi_onomy Celine Condorelli and Beatrice Gibson mixes these two methodologies, attempting a mapping urban taxi through the famous blacks present in England as in India. These means are used as symbolic vehicles of exploration and research of the area, but the most interesting part of the project seems to be the creation of online databases that bring together the experience of exploration. That achieved by the students of Mumbai KRVIA connects places, their history and symbolism that have changed over time through collective and personal perspective at the same time. The interpretation of the territory, in fact, through multiple eyes and a common path, resulting in a taxonomy of rich and unusual places, able to articulate and lead to a classification with multiple meanings. This date-tourism Mobile and participated blows all the schemes of industrial tourism, based on the exploitation of merchant curiosity to know and to move, and to provide experience-oriented pre-cooked and well-directed stimuli. The spontaneous collection of information Taxi_onomy, however, also available as crossing of concepts leads to a vision of the liberated territory, interpreted and how data fluttanti in the categories that each can be determined.