Breathe On Me, possibilities and limits in telepresence.

Breathe On Me

Three vertical surfaces affixed with a variable number of webcam include a fan delimit the physical space viable installation, while – in the remote – Internet users control the orientation of the same devices in horizontal and vertical direction. By choosing to connect to one of the webcam, then give themselves a particular point of view to locate the visitors 'real' and, as a timid approach, it is possible to fiatargli him running the fan. A form of minimal communication between actors in an unconscious performance that – when they realize prying eye – are eager to be involved, and unknown Internet users that are manifested in the form of air. This is Breathe On Me , the interesting work of Will Pappenheimer (formerly the Interactive Futures O5 in Canada) that refers to the Telepresence Art focusing on the exchange circuit as the frontier of mediated by technology issues in the theater d 'meet and conduct of the action, the physical involvement when transmitting information and emotions. To a lesser extent also touches on the issue of video surveillance and the right to privacy, in other ways and in other ways also at the center of aesthetic research of the Surveillance Camera Players.