Stelarc Ken doll art cyborg.

Ken Stelarc

The dolls in the market today childish, sickly represent the culmination of dangerous social and aesthetic values ​​that the entertainment industry would like to sculpt in his small customers. The clothes, accessories, objects, friends, and their contextualization within a social system fictitious, to prepare the ground for symbolic values ​​that remain glued to the simulacra interested (think Barbie all'antesignana). To implement different symbolic values ​​to a character out of the ordinary was Zoë Khamsin Kennard with his Ken Stelarc . SI is a Ken (Barbie's historic findanzato) modified to run as if it were one of the famous performance artist Stelarc . The latter is an Australian artist who became famous in the early nineties for you reconfigure your body in a perspective that acknowledged its obsolescence, tempered only by the addition of mechanical prostheses and digital, ready to boost the chances of his person. From his earliest experiments the artist had made his bodily structure processing platform, and now the representation of his visions of one of the most famous fictitious bodies on the ground, gives an immediate idea of ​​its historical value, recognized after a few years . The historicization of ideas, then, and who has expressed them in difficult times, it can also pass for a doll amended, which implicitly recognizes the importance of the character and his visions, using a medium that originally untouchable in his phony integrity of production is violated creatively to represent an important idea.