Move 36, the boundary between human and non-human.

Eduardo Kac, already a pioneer in the 90s of Biotelematics and Transgenic Art, continues its line of research in the phenomena of communication between different species (men, machines, plants, animals, …) with the new installation: ' Move 36 '. The title is inspired by the famous move (36 in fact) that allowed in 1997 to 'Deep Blue' to defeat the greatest chess player Gary Kasparov. The installation is composed by a large checkerboard made with earth (square blacks) and sand (white square) placed at the center of a room. In the square where he was made the famous "move 36" is placed a plant (tomato) that incorporates a gene designed by Kac specifically for this job. The gene uses ASCII code to represent in binary the famous judgment of Descartes 'Cogito ergo sum'. This has been made possible thanks to a double complex operation. At first Kac translated text in a series of 0 and 1; subsequently has established a standard procedural that would allow to translate the 0 and 1 in a sequence of the four structural elements of the DNA according to the following formula: A = 00, C = 01, G = 10 and T = 11. The gene 'Cartesian' thus produced is capable of producing mutations in the plant into which has been inserted and such mutations, according to the author's intentions, should be such that they can be easily perceived by the human eye. The installation is then completed by two screens placed on opposite sides of the room, depicting the two boards in which each square is made up of different video loops that alternate at irregular intervals, like a vast game of chess between ghosts. Leaving aside any consideration (and worry) about the disconcerting ease with which it is possible to isolate, synthesize and play the DNA, it should be sottolineatao what appears to be the truly distinctive aspect of the installation, ie the search for the border area between the human and the non-human, the living and the nonliving. The subjectivity of inanimate beings, in whose "actions" is often identified a force comparable to that produced by the characteristic of the human subjectivity ('Deep Blue' that beat Kasparov), is emphasized in the work of Kac in order to suggest a way Alternatively to the understanding of the phenomena of communication between species, in the direction of a dialogical communication that can free by the mortgage anthropocentric. If art is a fundamental gesture cognitive intervention to a symbolic level, not practical, it is right, therefore, abandon any ethical concern and accept the works of Kac (either fluorescent or rabbits cogitanti plants) as an invitation to move "our attention on what remains firmly hidden from view but which nevertheless affect us directly. "