Remixing reality with narrative media.

The codes multiform expression media are far from common heritage in their mechanisms, resulting still the preserve of specialists mate happily new technique and previous experience. The analysis of this kind of literacy necessary media narrative is at the heart of the ' Remixing reality with narrative media ', seminar and workshops taken care of at the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía in Seville by Fran Ilich and Pedro Jiménez. The multiplicity of narrative forms (oral, textual, audio-visual, digital, sound and graphics) is fathomed by Julian Boal, director of the Teatro del Oprimido, Andrea Zapp, a researcher in network environments narrative, Olia Lialina , one of the first artists to use the network as an artistic technique, Nora Barry, creator of 'The Bit Screen', one of the first sites devoted to 'streaming movies' and Robin Rimbaud, aka Scanner , which will give a concert. inspired by the power of visionary theories of Alexander Astruc in the forties (the camera used flexibly as a pen – 'camera stylo', and the construction of archival footage freely 'be sampled'), the project aims to discuss the instruments of 'writing media 'in meaning, looking in perspective through the dedicated website' Narrative Media ', parallel to the event.