Twentieth Chaos Communication Congress.

It ends today in Berlin on twentieth Chaos Communication Congress , the annual meeting sponsored by the Chaos Computer Club As always active in the later editions (including those of 2000 and 2002 ) are the leading themes to stand out in the increasingly busy schedule of seminars and matches: the problems of spam, the defense of the right of expression in discussion groups to reconcile with troll other obstacles premeditated, hacking the Xbox, ethics Hacker, the distributed computing, always in vogue lockpicking, trustbased p2p , wireless local area network (wlan) free, sharing some of the greatest experiences of the historical group ( Blinkenlights , among these, also shown last Hackmeeting ), a report of the recent WSIS , the presentation of art and media activism project AHA coordinated by 'Italian Tatiana Bazzichelli, and that of software art , as well as, for the first time, some technical seminars for women (network, hardware, GPG keysigning party, IPSec …), an important signal of emancipation of 'hacking for women too often crushed by the overwhelming presence of men.