Fax.nl, web mistakes by fax.

For two days, on 26 and 27 September, will take place in the exhibition 'Numbers Only' at the Arts et Amicitiae Society, an action coordinated by fax fax.nl, organization coordinated by the artist Darko Fritz and intolata 406 NOT ACCEPTABLE , they will send this protocol error http (web) written on three pages of fax to 431 national art galleries. In fact this is the second action of this kind, after the '404 FILE NOT FOUND ', sent to 217 art institutions (foundations, government organizations, etc..) And before '415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE' to be held from De Balie in early November, aiming instead to museums. The communication of a specific code of a medium to another (a bit 'as the effects of some cd-rom, which extinguished the monitor as a TV), mixes instantly with the rules of two different languages, invading their grammars and by creating an decompensation in healthy media users accustomed to the daily use of electronic tools. The communication error, also with a means of discontinued operations, further reinforces the sarcasm used against the whole system of art (in this case wisely chosen with national borders), and of his being still too alien to new technologies mass. It should also be noted that all actions are performed in low-tech, ie with a Macintosh LC 1990 a fax modem and a bit 'more recently, planning adequately mailings, while the feedback received after the actions (fax and email) are stored and freely available.