Ways of Know-ing and no-ing, AOL disks as sculptures.

As part of the exhibition 'Ways of Know-ing and no-ing' to Huneke Gallery of Art of the Spokane Art School, dedicated to Tom Dukich, there is a work that has aroused the curiosity of many . It is a garbage can over a hundred liters capacity filled with cd-rom of America OnLine that contain software at maturity linked to promotional offers subscription. The author has had the vicissitudes business with AOL, but the thing that has most inspired me is the continuous inviio of unsolicited cd, and otherwise shall contain a software unusable after little more than a month. This 'installation' as well as a reminder of the futility and the ecological damage of direct marketing done with the silver discs, lash a criticism against the culture of the goods not required and all those commercial practices which invade the privacy of everyone.