9-11 Survivor, video games on September 11.

9-11 Survivor

When the Western consciousness is ready to rework the tragedy of 11 September 2001? If the media hammering of those days triggered a process of estrangement from overload of such sequences proposed again countless times, after almost two years was only raised the specter of the disaster, leaving the task to preserve the memory of the sensations. counter reaches 9-11 Survivor a project of Jeff Cole going to sink back into the unconscious hands, offering a detailed reconstruction of the environment, in a flashback that every tourist will recognize. It is not the intent of a game, but a journey of experience, a simulated dive in a terrifying reality, with the cold representation that can give the rendering engine of a video game. Based in fact on the code of Unreal Tournament 2003 for this mod, when judged only by a few screenshots, realizes a representation of what happened, allowing the user to impersonate any employee and to be in the same dangerous conditions of those who miraculously survived or perished. Impersonate, or relive, albeit through a provisional rendering, firsthand experience so devastating is the goad that reactivates the memories and builds of artificial, giving consistency to an event too plagiarized by a tremendous media offensive.