Tickle Salon, one touch mechanic.

Made dalo author of the software Tuboid, Tickle Salon is an installation which occurs on one of the more difficult to emulate: the touch. The work consists of a gimmick to the ceiling, and interfaced with a computer, which moves through the servomechanisms, a set of cotton threads twisted, by sliding on the skin of a person lying down. The sensasione of contact, as artificially stimulated, and subsequently induces relaxation sensuality, according to research cited by the author. The work has the advantage of physical activate an illusion, able to fool the senses, and thus induce a different state of mind, calling into question the definition that common sense has a 'machine'. Furthermore, through this systematic exploration data are accumulated and expressed unitarily in a graphical map of the person 'stroked', in three-dimensional processing, which is a representation of the human being involved from the point of view of a digital touch.