Skin / strip, bodies injected into the network.

Skin / strip ? the result of an explicit invitation, which circulated among experts in the beginning and in most network? Later, he invited the community to express the digital identity of his naked body. The emphasis of the flesh? new spaces incorporeal network, and this gallery amateur details and overviews of organic skin and frills, pi? or less veiled, assembles a representation of social and cultural bodies themselves. The digitization of the images and their transmission and juxtaposition in an animated gallery, well accustomed to reflect on the parallel between incorporeit of all these processes and inalienable organicit of subjects (car) taken. The intention of (successful) of the curators must be included the escape mediated by the idea of ​​the 'perfect body' in a wide celebration of difference that jars with violence when compared to collections of models asphyxiated in narcissistic display.