Bzzzpeek, onomatopoeia sound from the world.

. EMusic

23:01:03 Bzzzpeek, onomatopoeia sound from the world.
Bzzzpeek is a simple project guessed what the London-based group FL @ 33. One of the few internationally recognized language is to imitate the animal or the noise produced by everyday objects (car, train, ambulance, cuckoo clock …). In Bzzzpeek are compared to those expressed by indigenous children's vocal expressions of different nations and languages ​​of the earth. It is surprising how different they may be, depending on the latitude, the interpretations of the flight of a fly, or the crowing of a rooster, and how they can create interesting patterns when they overlap thanks to Flash technology. The project is open to external contributions that can only enrich this experiment of sound social, halfway between the anthropological exploration and environmental sounds simulated.