BBS Documentary, documentary on the American BBS.

. Hacktivism

27.01.03 BBS Documentary, documentary on the American BBS.
BBS Documentary is a film in the works of Jason Scott. The project is to reconstruct a reliable and complete as possible, the history of the BBS (Bulletin Board System), the first local and virtual communities for thousands of users have been the first gym to familiarize yourself with telematics before moving to the Internet. A glimpse of social importance that the author tries to build from the U.S. perspective. At the time he accumulated 132 interviews and 155 hours of footage, but according to his own statements it is not even half done and encouragement to report important facts about this vast world. Among the topics covered in the documentary there are a complete timeline, a section dedicated to the BBS software and another on the transport protocol. On the site, among other things, are already visible videos that relate to Count Zero, one of the crew members 'Cult of the Dead Cow', Jake Kouns of the 'Rulers of Chaos' and 'Ward Christensen' co-inventor of the concept of BBS as well as the XModem protocol.