Mapped areas of the brain that process the melodies.

. EMusic

21:12:02 Mapped areas of the brain that process the melodies.
Professor Petr Janata of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Dartmouth College is conducting a research project that wants to come to understand the reasons why a song becomes a blockbuster, or because a sequence of notes can help to quickly recall a dance in his youth . For now, the researchers were able to map the area of ​​the brain that processes and research the music, also an active area during the processes of reasoning and research in memory. This area is located in the prefrontal cortex rostromediale that is deployed just behind the forehead. The same area is connected with the temporal lobe that processes sound processes easier. Using magnetic resonance imaging ricarcatori have analyzed the same eight people, all with some degree of musical experience, subjected to listening to a song than eight minutes, represented in his rich and complex score through the geometric shape of a torus, which is viewable in a video accessible on the site. Asking 'guinea pigs' to recognize, for example, the presence of faluti or clarinets in the track was not only possible to recognize areas, but also to note that each playback of the same track as the subjects ricostruissero in slightly different ways, trying empirically for the first time the ideas of other distinguished neuroscientists.