Artmedia 8 symposium on electronic art.

. Art

29.11.02 Artmedia 8 symposium on electronic art.
Inaugurated on November 29 at the Centre Français du Commerce Extérieur and at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, Artmedia VIII , powerful symposium organized by Mario Costa, Fred Forest and Annick Bureaud. Starting aesthetics of communication of the eighties the event seeks to trace the artistic and social implications of communication technologies in distance, involving artists, theorists and art historians mail. Remarkable, in fact the list of guests which includes the pioneer Roy Ascott, Roger Malina – director Leonardo, Andreas Broeckmann, director of Transmediale, Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss dell'Exploratory Media Lab, Bruno Beusch & Tina Cassani, curators, Steve Dietz the Walker Art Center, Reynald Drouhin, net French artist, Eduardo Kac, an artist of biotechnology, Derrick de Kerckhove, of McLuhan Center in Toronto, Pierre Levy, author of Collective Intelligence ', Victoria Vesna, electronic artist and Benjamin Weil, curator. Topics range from space-time relations, net art to the hybridization of video games, thematizing many fascinating perspectives that art electronics makes available today.