The Alphabet Synthesis Machine.

. Art

02:09:02 The Alphabet Synthesis Machine.
The dynamic creation of alphabets is from about a decade one of the most part unexplored possibilities of semiotic font manipulation programs. The signs created by the joining of carriers scatter automatically on the corresponding letters on the keyboard, creating a language as possible, to be invented and re-use as needed. The Alphabet Synthesis Machine is a work of interactive software art designed by Golan Levin, a former student John Maeda at the MIT Media Laboratory and producer of the symphony for mobile phones Dialtones Telesymphony. It is a double java applet that on the one hand interacts with the user for writing some basic signs that evolve via parameters speciificati and a genetic algorithm that develops them graphically, and the other generates the file in PC True Type usable from now on your system. All alphabets generated by the system are stored and made available to other users. Manufactured by Art21 and The Arts Company, at work, and sottilineare the fine line between familiarity and chaos, releases for the signs, and metaphorically infinitely generated by digital cameras.