Progressive Load, the visual progression.

. Art

23:08:02 Progressive Load, the visual progression.
The strength of some metaphors can be significant if combined with popular practices and familiar sequences and images. This seems to be the case of ' Progressive Load 'Andy Deck, which is inspired by the homonymous technique transmission of images, capable of displaying the same image more quickly, albeit at a minimum resolution initial and gradually increases progressively putting in fire. According to the artist it is a process similar to that of our understanding of the emerging world that you can focus better as the years roll on, and for that we submit a series of questions visuals. The bars progrssive 'load' problems much alive and pictures of the next phase will be interrupted before the final download effectively bringing the fear and uncertainty of the issues raised and their status of 'progressive download' not finished yet. In the final phase of the work will require a URL or a keyword by which to find other material that goes to make up along with that been pre recovered a collective framework of 'images for progress', but just look at it to understand that it it is absolutely clear what it actually contains.