NEC Powermate, your computer environmentally friendly.

. Hacktivism

07:08:02 Nec Powermate, your computer environmentally friendly.
The Nec, after the introduction in Japan of the model Mate, is launching in the U.S. market the PowerMate , a model all-in-one, that is all concentrated around a 15-inch flat panel monitor, mostly silent, given the ' the absence of the cooling fan for the processor, thanks to its reduced energy consumption. The new model, however, should not contain lead in the screen, and even the motherboard should contain lead-free solder. Even more important is the chassis made from a patented material called by the same NEC and NuCycle, basically a recyclable plastic hundred percent according to the release of the multinational. Although the hard disk has been made to sound a maximum noise level of 20 decibels, and it is hoped that finds favor with the market more than his predecessors in design, namely the IBM NetVista X and the latest Apple iMac.