Streamer, software pirate radio.

. EMusic

04:07:02 Streamer, software pirate radio.
Streamer is software written English Iain McLeod to restore dignity to the pirate radio online, making it difficult to identify them by the authorities. The author was inspired dall'adirazione for the decisions of the U.S. government with regard to Internet radio and exaggerated royalties imposed by the lobby of the majors. The absurdity of these Gabelli cost is $ 7 per month per listener, for all stations unsustainable medium-sized companies. Even the SomaFM in San Francisco which collected more than a thousand users threw in the towel and left the message on his website 'Killed by the RIAA. June 20, 2002 '. Although as early as two Republican senators (Rick Boucher and Jay Inslee) are moving to revise this decision untenable, the more immediate solutions came from the underground. Streamer, in fact, despite his overt bug is a program for Windows under GPL license that works a little 'as Gnutella and other peer-to-peer networks that do not have central servers. The flow of streaming, in fact, is passed from computer to computer in a chain that makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to trace its origin. The model has already been applied, for economy of bandwidth since other commercial facilities, but McLeod is to revive the spirit of broadcasters like Radio Caroline, who like others in the sixties and seventies broadcast from a boat that ran along the coasts English to circumvent the state monopoly, and this software if it finds appropriate contributions, seems to actualize birllantemente the same concept.