Pixelsymphonie ak.5, the colors that liven up the sound.

. Art

09:07:02 Pixelsymphonie ak.5, the colors that liven up the sound.
Pixelsymphonie ak.5 is a software for mac that explores the perception in the new audiovisual media acting on what the authors define as 'overstimulation'. It is a simple 'sequencer' which responds with sounds and animations pixels enlarged to simple and seemingly random variations that can be induced with the aid of three buttons. Called into question are the basic elements of the site (colors, animation and music), and the application prompts the user to try possible combinations (165 to be exact) until you find your favorite synaesthetic perception. The work emphasizes the grain of the visual information of the web, strengthening this aspect with sounds with strong mechanical properties. A magnifying glass on alternating continuous abstract shapes and colors on the screen.