Music and Machine, present and future of techno.

. EMusic

12:07:02 Musik und Machine, present and future of techno.
It opens on July 11 at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, the 2002 edition of Musik und Machine, congress for electronic music and digital culture , a series of conferences on the present and future of techno in a broad sense, trying to bring together the many German operators on the hottest topics and most importantly to involve them in forums and exchange opportunities among DJs, musicians and small labels. Among the debates this year's report 'Copyright is dead', moderated by Andreas Broeckmann and with the participation of Sascha Koch (De: Bug), 'Real Time Marketing' on the promotional opportunities of the Internet and SMS, with Oliver Wittchow (Nanoloop see Nanoloop, sequencers for the Game Boy. ) and 'Vj Panel' with Visomat Inc., Monitor Automatic, Benton-C Bainbridge and Framefarmers. It all adds up to 13, the day that opens the Loveparade 2002 .