Anarchives: connection-machines.

. Art

05:07:02 Anarchives: connection-machines.
It was held on July 5 at V2 in Rotterdam Anarchives: connection-machines , an event developed around the concept of database paradigm and its importance in the field of new media arts. Uncontrolled in the collection of data, and in their interconnection lies the opportunity to thrash out a new infrastructure expressive, that the software can transform into art, drawing attention to the dangers and errors (human and technical) that underlie these constructions. Several projects submitted by Margarete Jahrmann, Marko Peljhan, Thecla Schiphorst, Ben Schouten and Arnold Smeulders, moderated by Anne Nigten and Michael Punt, in addition to interesting evening performances of Margarete Jahrmann and Max Moswitzer.