Trigger: Game Art, art of video games in Melbourne.

. Art

6/10/02 Trigger: Game Art, art of video games in Melbourne.
It ended a few days at the range space of Melbourne (Australia), Trigger: Game Art , a large exhibition of video games and videos that have to do with this kind of imagery. Curated by Rebecca Cannon exhibition explores the many different skills and techniques, as in 'Quilted through organ' of Delire and 'Skin Pack' (pictured) of Erceg + Savior, who build their poetics from the Quake engine, the first turning it into a musical instrument that is played with the objects and user interactions, while the second shows four of the characters of the game bare, drawing on porn movies for sound samples. Web-game, however, are 'Nerve Game' of Sowerwine + Wilczek and 'Blam' Isobel, respectively, a game that mixes a comic book and another whose goals are very unclear to the player. In 'Level 5' Mastrantone, then you rebuild the exhibition space through the public code of Unreal Tournament, while 'All Your Base' to show the video game Zero Wing with a famous opening sentence, badly translated into English by Japanese, became an object of worship. 'Urban Invasion' documents the performance of Space-invaders, French symbols of the aliens who sows to the hit game around the cities he visits. Very different approaches in 'Matrix' and 'Tum Raider' Strange Company, in which software robots play against users within a LAN, the application of which is even more evident in 'The Buff and the brutal' of Droma Production in which a soap opera is staged gladiatorial day. Do not miss the freebies microchips eighties, from 'Arcade 84' by Dave Dries, a video made with materials of MAME, 'Smile and Fresh' Isobel, examples of games that come back to 8-bit aesthetics of ' Video Computer Systems' Golden Shower, a band that claims to have the sole purpose of 'the return of the world to what they were the eighties' and finally' Poly800vs6581 'by Tim Koch + Frog Bomb pairing to melodies composed with the C64 SID images of old computers. To represent the imaginative degeneration of the codes there are 'Gameboy_ultraF_uk' (see Software art: Gameboy autodegeneranti. , and 'Nestune' of Collapscone that uses a NES (Nintendo Entertainment Sysytem) for corrupting graphics and sound.