Digital Show Reception, digital art in Iowa City.

. Art

10/04/02 Digital Show Reception, digital art in Iowa City.
Inaugurated on April 10 April at the University of Iowa Museum of Art in Iowa City (USA) on Digital Show Reception , within the Thaw festival of video, film and new media. For the first time the event has its own section 'digital' with works from different media. The web art selected includes' Finger Lickin 'Chick', Juliet Martin that allows you to assemble a book choosing the characters and the story and then download and print on their own, 'Instant Future' of the same Martin (see Instant Future, net art literary (3) ), 'Identity of Color' of Agricola de Cologne, a flash video based on his eponymous poem and 'Transience, an atonal composition' of the same De Cologne, temporary arrangements with the eroticism taken as the basis for the struggles daily. Several also the cd-rom: '# FFFFFF' Art Jones, a collage on reception aesthetics of pixels, 'American Sock' Joey Bargsten a low-tech videos populated by puppets Dadaists, 'Bad Mind Time' of the same Bargsten nineteen interactive pieces to apply therapies elettroconvulsive virtual 'Picturing Time' by Jeremy Chien (pictured), an experimental analysis on the photograph and its sequence that creates the movement, framed within an urban reality, 'Untitled (for Francis Hines) 'Kenneth Feinstein, inspired by the sculptures of Hines' Therapeutic Space' by Natalie Zimmermann, audio tracks in which psychotherapists describe their physical workspace. Finally a couple of dvd 'Mappemundi' Sue Hettmansperger and Lawrence Fritts, maps, interdisciplinary, and 'Media Deconstruction Kit' by Randall Parker, a single real-time stream of theory and practice of corporate control of the media. The picture is completed three installations audio: 'Automata' Liz Fiorentino, an 'automatic musical instrument' with eight speakers that emit each a specific type of sounds, 'Interpretive Cilmates' Andrew Auten, with different vocal interpretations of texts be listened to by the functions of another musical instrument and '8: 45 'Steve Bradley and Timothy Noe a collective performance audio streaming on the tragic events of September 11.