Washing the internal network of the New York Times.

. Hacktivism

27.02.02 Bucato the internal network of the New York Times.
Another impossible task has been able to Adrian Lamo, the hacker twenty homeless. Rousing seven badly-configured proxy server is able to enter the intranet of the New York Times, discovering important weaknesses in the policy of assigning passwords which seem trivial to guess. After discovering the first open proxy, in fact, Lamo had access to a copy of the database of employees, full of their data and their default passwords, which many have never changed. One of them also has the power to create new accounts, so the same Lamo he's created one with higher access privileges. The internal network of the Times there are 3,000 employees and according to the same Lamo, thanks to this hole, would be accessible file with the Social Security numbers and phone numbers of private individuals such as Rush Limbaugh, Vint Cerf, Warren Beatty and former President Jimmy Carter, not to mention the fees paid to the many collaborators, article by article. Rather than change the items without leaving traces disrupting the work of thousands of people, as usual impeccably Lamo has notified the newspaper through a reporter, providing a list of open proxies. He just added his name in the database, with its real data, adding the category 'skills': "Computer hacking, national security, communications intelligence."