Online betting on the songs of Bob Dylan.

. EMusic

26.02.02 Online Betting on the songs of Bob Dylan.
With one hundred and fifty concerts a year on average takes into Bob Dylan, the interest of fans for this type of performance could not be higher. Borders on obsession, however, the Dylan Pool , a pool of bets involving nearly 2000 people in 57 different countries. Inaugurated by twenty-four Canadian Arthur Louie, has as its object of contention following the steps of the concert, so each participant fills her, as if it were a board of pools. Each track is assigned a score, played more for those high and low for those rarely played more frequently. Dylan sings 20 songs each time, but during the last tour last fall he sang 92 different songs. The unpredictability of the artist, so it is legendary, as evidenced by Larry Shapiro, one of the contestants, who fell to 149th place after trying to 'think' like Dylan in the prediction of the playlist. The winners receive as a prize a box of some bootleg cd. The next concert is scheduled for Friday, March 1 in Austin, and 'Blowin' in the Wind 'has never lacked appeal.