A school of hacking.

. Hacktivism

03:12:01 A school of hacking.
In the 11th arrondissement of Paris is the sort ' Hackademy Zi ', renamed by the mainstream media' the first school of hacking '. It really comes to computer security courses and seminars put on to protect private citizens from unwanted intrusions into their computer. With a consumer which seem varied (from businessmen to housewives), the courses cost around € 70 for nine lessons with learning outcomes guaranteed. Supported by the magazine 'Hackerz Voice', makes use of the teaching of one of its editors, including some of the 'Clad Strife' and 'Fozzy', none of which, with good reason, use your real name during the lessons. During the lessons themselves is respected and an inflexible rule that only teach skills of hacking 'ethical' that do not jeopardize the privacy or security of other users. The same police of the city, while being aware of the place, has decided not to issue any measure against and the 'school' has already received requests for registration from abroad.