Korea Web Art Festival.

. Art

30.11.01 Korea Web Art Festival.
Tomorrow (December 1) was inaugurated in Seoul Korea Web Art Festival , with a unique preview of new works by twelve of the most famous artists working with the network: Mark Amerika, Critical Art Ensemble, entropy8zuper!, Superbad , Young Hae Chang Heavy Industries, 0100101110101101.ORG, Candy Factory, Lisa Jevbratt, Sean Kerr, Talan Memmot, Motomichi Nakamura + Sawad Brooks and Beth Stryker. In the nation whose kids spend on average more time online than in real life was given to Mark Voge the role of curator who has also established a national competition entitled 'Alone Together' with a premium set at $ 1600 for the best work. For now you can view the trailer in Flash (very funky).