links for 2008-12-31

Internet Archive: Details: Growing Up In America
Growing Up In America: Breathing Together, Revolution of the Electric Family, 1986. A documentary about the spirit of the Sixties and its leaders. Interviews with Allen Ginsberg, Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, Fred Hampton, Deborah

links for 2008-12-30

Competition ARTE 2.0 VOCENTO: the art of exhibiting art online
(tags: art preservation net)

Colony is part artificial lifeform, part icon of a digital media landscape. The weathered totems use light and sound to communicate with one another in response to human

links for 2008-12-28—–> zdwe_16 [toon/ pan]
abstract noise sequencer
(tags: music sound art)

YouTube – New Fisher Price Dj Controller – Exclusive Review
The ground breaking MBRP-101 from Fisher Price is the best all in one music playback solution for mobile and club djs that need

links for 2008-12-26

International technology & security conference. Four days of technology, ideological debates and hands-on tinkering. On August 13-16, 2009 the 20th anniversary edition of the four-yearly Dutch outdoor technology-conference will take place near Vierhouten, NL
(tags: hacking hacktivism festival)

Holger Lippmann sculpture
3D 4

links for 2008-12-23

ISP Ad Snooper Phorm Loses Top Execs | Epicenter from
Letterofresignation_timsnell Phorm, the controversial British concern that wants to spy on ISP customers in order to serve up highly targeted ads, lost two top executives
(tags: net hacktivism)

Slashdot | Using Speed

links for 2008-12-22

Access : Nanotube ‘shortcut ‘ boosts brain signals : Nature News
The work could one day lead to nanotube scaffolds being used as ‘bridges’ for spinal cord injury, or as highly conductive coatings for electrodes implanted into the brain for deep

links for 2008-12-20

The Unfinished Swan – Tech Demo 9/2008 on Vimeo
clear graphics, first person perspective and mazes.
(tags: visual, videogame, software)

Midas project on Vimeo
presented by Paul Thomas, nano art
(tags: art science music sound)

[KONTEJNER] – Touch Me Festival 2008 – Feel better!
Touch me festival

links for 2008-12-20

The Unfinished Swan – Tech Demo 9/2008 on Vimeo
clear graphics, first person perspective and mazes.
(tags: visual, videogame, software)

Midas project on Vimeo
presented by Paul Thomas, nano art
(tags: art science music sound)

[KONTEJNER] – Touch Me Festival 2008 – Feel better!
Touch me festival

links for 2008-12-18

Topless Robot – The 10 Types of Videos That Make Up 90% of YouTube
Ah, YouTube. One of the three most popular websites in the world, and probably the most dangerous, since the only thing you can do on YouTube is

links for 2008-12-16

Self Destructing Webpages: Coming Soon to a Browser Near You | Anything Tech

(tags: hacking net)

The jazz of animals: Musical collaboration between dolphins, humpback whales, sea lions and jazz guitarist Jim Nollman | Art Threat
An excerpt from one of Interspecies CD recordings of