Marko Ciciliani – Why Frets? 2083


Galerie der Abseitigen Künste/Mille Plateaux, book+USB card, ISBN 978-3948478193, English, 64 pages, 2023, Germany

The electric guitar has been playing a structural role for music especially in the second half of the 20th century, and still retains its importance. To acknowledge this, Ciciliani has created a fictional history of the electronic guitar as a performance. The work documents and expands a series of three works: ‘a multimedia performance, a performance lecture, and an installation’, whose high-quality videos are included in the USB card attached. The work is set in the future (2083) and all kinds of media are used in the attempt to rewrite the history from the future. Beyond a media archaeological purpose to discover and preserve what is unknown in a certain field, there seems to be an intention of awareness and history, but also about how both might soon disappear because of technological progress. The artist highlights from their fictional future position opaque databases that in the future would question historical truth. This is accomplished by producing a series of materials beyond the performance that warn us about what can be misleadingly ‘reconstructed’ in the future. Among the most intriguing gestures is a very accurate fictional review of a book in 2083. The performance includes a whole body of work, and this book expands it with articles from the past and the future (co-written by Marko Ciciliani and Nicolas Trépanier).