Javier Lloret – 1000 Synsets (Vinyl Edition) Vol II


Vinyl – Javier Lloret

Dating from 1985, WordNet is a semantic-lexical database for the English language, a hierarchical classification system describing the world, inspired by the theories of human semantic memory developed at the end of 1960s. In contrast to episodic memory, semantic memory is not personal, but is shared by all the people speaking the same language. The lexical organization is based on some groups of words with similar meanings, called synsets, basically nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs bundled in sets of synonyms. Any group expresses a different concept. ImageNet derives from this concept and consists of a data-set of images based on the same hierarchy of nouns. Any node of the hierarchy is represented by hundreds and thousands of images. From 2010 to 2017, the challenge for large scale visual recognition on ImageNet (ILSVRC) has been a remarkable benchmark for the classification and localization of object categories, with a huge impact on photographic and image-recognition software. 1000 synset (Vinyl Edition) includes these 1000 recorded categories of objects. Javier Lloret wants to stress the impact these data sets have when it comes to training artificial intelligence on the systems and devices we use in our daily life. It’s basically an invitation to think about them and to carefully listen to them. Every copy of the vinyl shows a different set and an image: the researchers at ILSVRC use these elements to train their models. Once again, Lloret focuses on the exploration of the transition between transparency and opacity in various mass media, an aptitude we can define as peculiar and also distinctive for a media artist. We only received the second volume, which features the synsets from 501 to 1000, introduced by a female voice and divided into two tracks lasting about 18 minutes each. The essence of semantic memory is that its contents are not tied to any particular set of experiences. What is stored in semantic memory is the “juice” of experience, an abstract structure which is possible to apply to a large variety of experiential objects and which outlines the categorical and functional relationships between such objects. So, Lloret definitely makes a conceptual operation with this project, but at the same time introduces didactic veins.

