Tatiana Bazzichelli – Networking, The Net as Artwork

Tatiana Bazzichelli

Digital Aesthetic Research Center, Aarhus University, ISBN 8791810086
, Denmark, 2009, English
This text is a summary of the author’s efforts (beginning in the late-nineties) to analyse and facilitate opportunities to link digital artists and activists. Bazzichelli is the founder of the AHA mailing list, the most popular in Italian art and hacktivism. Here she relates a few of the scene’s more peculiar moments and experiences. The result is an extensive and intricate network that changes and evolves over time, emerging from the listing of collectives, events and initiatives that have characterised the scene. A peculiarly Italian approach can be read between the lines and seen in the connections between the different issues investigated. The author’s personal interests have always included underground areas with an explicit political stance. These themes, on which the text is built, develop a national history of linkages and common roots between technology, politics and art, while outlining issues, techniques and possible strategies. Free download from here.